Sunday, April 3, 2011

April 3rd-5th

April 3rd
Today is National Find a Rainbow day.  Here is hoping for some showers to bring out a rainbow.  But if all else fails, we can use crystals or water, mirrors and light to make rainbows.  We are going to read Minnie's Rainbow which explains how rainbows are formed.  Then we will try to make our own rainbows.  If all else fails we can color some with crayons or paint, or maybe with chalk on our new chalkboard from Christmas.

April 4th
Little boy R is off from preschool this week.  I think we'll work on our letter book series- starting with N today.  For little boy A- I have a Sesame Street Alphabet book from scholastic

April 5th
It's National Read a Road Map day!  I remember my first real road trip was in the spring of '89 when I went with my Aunt and Uncle to Florida and Disneyworld.  I remember kind of looking at maps then my older cousin Jimmy helping to explain them to me.  Later that summer, we started our move across country from Labrador to Alberta and by the time we hit Ontario I was bothering my parents so much with "where are we now, show me on the map!" that they bought me my own road map atlas of North America for the rest of the trip.

My boys might be too young for those types of road maps just yet, but I am going to make a map of the backyard for them to help label (to learn about the concepts of maps) and then maybe they can make their own "maps"- be it of something imaginary or real.

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